
Pressing back button only changes URL

Hi Sami, When pressing the previous button in my browser (firefox), or on my mouse, I see the URL changes in the navigation bar, however I remain on the same page. This is inconvenient if you were e.g. quickly checking t (...)

Bug Reports Rejected
.gif Files no longer work as Livery

So I just did a new livery for my airline in AoF and made it for all my 3 types and combined them to a .gif (no problem to upload it old AWS). However in new AWS I can no longer upload a .gif file as a livery. Why is tha (...)

Bug Reports Rejected
Tile swipe not working very smooth

On my android (chromium based browser), the "swipe" on the top bar only seems to work in a tiny touch box, which causes me to have to swipe multiple times to see my finances

Unable to change ticket and cargo pricing

When I try to change my ticket and/or cargo pricing, I click submit and get the pop up on the bottom left corner that says prices have been updated.   However, when I go back into it, the prices are unchanged.& (...)

Bug Reports Rejected
Country search for Airlines - bug

When you go to: Dashboard / Airlines / (under:- Search Airlines) Continent / Country.... That should limit the selection to only countries in the selected Continent, but everything in the world comes up in the list.

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Orphaned routes show up on route image list

Orphaned routes show up in the route image list up to more than a year after the routes have closed.

Bug Reports Rejected
Search airlines - not correct countries corresponding to continent

If you select a continent in the Dashboard - airlines - view airlines menu, all countries are still displayed worldwide in the next selection and not just the countries of the corresponding continent. (See screenshot)

Bug Reports Rejected
Searching Airlines false categories

Searching for airlines================== If you choose a continent for searching airlines, there is no selection in this airlines, instead you see all airlines in the game world. (No function at continent selecti (...)

Bug Reports Rejected
Title bar popup behind "tab"

On the statistics page it pops up behind the icons for the different pages

destination view says 6 routes, should say 7

in MT (1FoxDeux) I went into manage routes, entered Y085 for search, that brough up the 332F routes I have on a 7 day schedule. Then clicked on destination view and it should the routes, but said there were 6 of each. We (...)

Bug Reports Rejected
missing orders

I am missing my orders in History and the Future. I still have 9 A320s that should be delivered as per "new aircraft order" page, but only one is showing in the production line. Also the ones showing on the new aircraft (...)

Bug Reports Rejected
IOS doesn't have search filters in the Used-Aircraft tab

IOS doesn't have search filters in the Used-Aircraft tab

Bug Reports Rejected
Rescheduling after airport move

Can you remove the need to reschedule aircraft when there has been move to a new airport when the only change is to seats blocked/unblocked or cargo mix

Window resize route planning

Resizing windows in the route planning view only works when the window ends bigger than it started. ie half window resized to full, bars get bigger and fill the entire screen, but the other way around the bars dont get s (...)

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