.gif Files no longer work as Livery

So I just did a new livery for my airline in AoF and made it for all my 3 types and combined them to a .gif (no problem to upload it old AWS). However in new AWS I can no longer upload a .gif file as a livery. Why is that? Is it just because it was forgotten or was it intended?

Just to see what I wanted to upload
Just to see what I wanted to upload

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Sami Puro, 9 months ago
- The upload module's built-in resizing doesn't seem to support .WEBP very well, so not available.

- For the same reason (the new ability for the system to modify the uploaded file size) the .GIF support was removed.
geoffrey compagnon, 9 months ago
(I'm also a bit dubious at claiming .gif is outdated for animated use, when it's still the n*1 format online for this specific use case + represents 20% of all images hosted on the internet still)
geoffrey compagnon, 9 months ago
@sami, in that case can you allow webp file format?
Paul Hubauer, 9 months ago
Is it possible to change it back? I mean it does its job good, or is there a better way to upload multiple pictures?
Sami Puro, 9 months ago
This was an intended change since .gif is rather outdated for this use.
Bug Reports
9 months ago, Paul Hubauer