The Alliance Control Panel and all related functions have been fully renewed.
The user interface and code is 100%, with mobile-compatible layout of AirwaySim v.2.0. The Control Panel is divided into three sub-sections, Alliance Applications, Alliance Settings and Member Management.
You can now promote members to Alliance Managers directly (and to demote them as regular members).
Alliance applications and invitations, as well as the application rejections, can now have a short text describing the response's reasons.
In-game news are now posted every time a member leaves or joins an alliance.
Alliance Settings now support the new and bigger alliance logo and livery, similar to airline logo/livery.
Member Management section includes an expandable overview of all member airlines, as well as the total alliance membership counts.
Alliance joining / forming limits permanently removed (previously was a game-specific setting, and default required an airline age of 6 months or older, with fleet of 10 planes or more - these limits no longer apply).
Alliance max member count is now always fixed at 40 members, instead of dynamic based on the game capacity.
PLEASE NOTE: All pending alliance invitations / applications have been reset due to the system change, and you should submit them again.
Activated some additional security filters in core website systems.
Added the Matomo user analytics, for testing purposes, as a proposed alternative for Google Analytics.
Internal improvements to form data handling.
The mobile sub-menu icon is now dynamic, and better represents the menu status of being a search/filters menu, or a 2nd level navigation menu.
AI's pax-to-cargo conversion of aircraft in storage was too fast for game starts. The functionality is disabled at the game start, until the game has run for 4 years.
Rebrand Airline did not post the in-game news correctly in all cases, causing an error 500 to the user.
Fixed a minor issue with search engine XML sitemap.
User profile's viewing page gave out a database error if user had joined a game but had no existing airlines.
Fixed minor display issues with alliance icons and former airline names on Statistics page.
Airline Status Bar dropdown menu showed behind the main content on some tablet devices.
Enter keypress to save route editor did not always work.
AI brokers did not always order new aircraft.
Airline Information page's "Route timetables" section did not display techstop airports correctly.