Updates, improvements and fixes after site migration (#3)
New features
Unread in-game messages and Unread alliance forum messages are now displayed at the Airline Status Bar with red notification balloon.
Improved the display of Statistics on wide screens.
Adjusted the sidebar Filters/Search menu's layout for smaller screens (but will be improved still further soon!).
Credits store order history is now migrated from the old site to the new (you can see your old orders and credits transaction history).
Reactivated the rule of not being able to join a game world that is about to end soon. The game must have at least 10 days of real time left to be able to join it.
Made some changes to the Credits store's backend process for faster administrative processes.
The Amazon Cloudfront CDN delivery of static content (images etc.) is re-activated (was temporarily disabled during the site migration).
Enabled the auto-logout timer, a modal window appearing to prompt to resume login session if you have been idle for a long time and the "always keep me checked in" was not checked when you logged in.
Certain ultra-long routes did not have cargo demand.
Selecting airline name from Airline Information search's autocomplete-list did not direct to the proper sub-page.
Select All checkbox was not visible on Manage Routes page in all cases.
Fixed missing background styling color for certain data listing tables on old game pages.
Game Credits Transaction History page's event sorting did not work.
Credits store incorrectly counted the VAT amount for Swiss purchases, while we actually sell VAT 0% to there.
Cancelling a game subscription/membership did not always work on all devices.