Can you or one of your programmers please take a look at the logic behind the weight restrictions again? The 737 is just announced in the new airline generation world. Orders are piling up, and now we're learning that the weight penalty is significant beyond what it did in real life or any past game world. To limit a 737–200 to only 1500 nautical miles with a useful payload is outrageous and is nothing like the design of the aircraft. I'm concerned this new wind penalty you are using is too restrictive and doesn't have a real-life reflection. Other models are affected, too, but the 737 has gone too far.
It would've been nice to understand the full implications of this when ordering because it absolutely changes the strategy for so many different airlines.
Merged "Type of Aircraft Route Limitation " — 1 week ago
Merged "Load Factor" — 1 week ago
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