Cargo calculations

Game: Airline Generations

Airline: J P N 

Airplane: DC6A, cargo capacity 12.785 kg

Route: HND - DCA

  • Douglas DC-6A: No payload or runway limits.
  • At 30%-45%-35% CL-CS-CH, only about 2.000 kg are transported. No issues on the DCA - HND leg do. 
  • I have tried to change the % mix, but results are similar...

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Sami Puro, 4 months ago
The route editor might show incorrect anticipated payload limitations vs. actual situation. This is a known issue and another open report exists of this already, so closing this.
Afonso Vieira, 4 months ago
I changed one of the pit-stop airports after submitting the ticket, my apologies. The request was about the initial route HND - DCA via DYR, YEV; longest sector 2527 NM. The route creation page shows "No payload or runway limits", but can only carry about 2.000 kg to 2.500 kg depending on the cargo mix.
Sami Puro, 4 months ago
From earlier database snapshot, I can see a route JPN143 (#53270) assigned to Douglas DC-6A, JA000A (#29958), HND - DCA via DYR, YMM.

Longest sector is 2215NM (ESAD is less since it has tailwind). DC-6A nominal still-air range 2540 NM.

Route Planning view gives 9670 kg total cargo supply (2900 / 4350 / 2420 kg), since it probably becomes volume limited before payload. Demand in total is also about the same (2540 / 5030 / 2870 kg). Looks good on paper, you should be able to carry about 9300 kg in total.

Your Route Image is nearly zero and for that reason you are not actually selling more than ~1000-2000 kg yet.

Cannot see any bugs here.
Bug Reports
4 months ago, Afonso Vieira