Orphaned routes show up on route image list

Orphaned routes show up in the route image list up to more than a year after the routes have closed.


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Sami Puro, 7 months ago
Yep, seems to work normally, and the 1 Yr is the designed cutoff for the data cleanup.
--> not a bug.
WhiteYankeeBear, 7 months ago
It appears that they stay on there for a year, even though they've never been flown and even though the slots have long expired. Perhaps a filter option could be introduced to filter out all "orphaned" routes so that they don't pollute the list?
WhiteYankeeBear, 7 months ago
Game/airline: The Modern Times - YankeeAirLines
Routes: KABQ-KPDX (last flown Dec 25, 2020), KABQ-KCVG (last flown Dec 25, 2020) and many more like that. Some even without last flown, like KABQ-KRNA or KIND-KCPR.
Sami Puro, 7 months ago
Please let me know more details.

- Which game, which airline.
- Which routes?
- When they were last flown or closed?
Bug Reports
8 months ago, WhiteYankeeBear