Not receiving alliance notifications

Hi Sami,

It seems I am not receiving notifications regarding the alliance management: airline accepted/declined

Perhaps also no message that someone else invited a member, but haven't tested that...

Kind regards,



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jewiden, 1 week ago
Same here, as mentioned on Discord.
Suddenly one game year worth of messages appeared with the red balloon.
NovemberCharlie, 2 weeks ago
Additional detail: I was the initiating founding member, BKed soon after alliance creation, since I wanted to go after Japan an then rejoined. Might be related..
NovemberCharlie, 2 weeks ago
Actually in MT it seems no notifications are generated regarding Elite. Also not in the main airline news page. I.e. Air Iran joining the alliance
Sami Puro, 2 weeks ago
Tested at the dev. environment and this works.

- Alliance Control Panel
- Manager 1 accepts the application of a new member
- Manager 2 is indeed sent an in-game message as it's supposed to.

--> No issue found, details needed.
In Progress
Bug Reports
2 weeks ago, NovemberCharlie