This submission has been merged into "[OPERA] [Scheduling] [A/C Checks] : confirm button unavailable".

[Add Route to Schedule] Interaction blocked by the blue top bar and the bottom white bar

In the scheduling Screen, click on the "Add Route to Schedule" button

The Top line is hidden by the top blue interface element - impossible to interact with it.The bottom is hidden by the White interface element
The Top line is hidden by the top blue interface element - impossible to interact with it.
The bottom is hidden by the White interface element
Scrolling down, I can access the buttons, but the white interface element scrolls with the whole thing, and the hidden line is always hidden - impossible to interact with it
Scrolling down, I can access the buttons, but the white interface element scrolls with the whole thing, and the hidden line is always hidden - impossible to interact with it

Screenshots on Opera - Same behaviour on Chrome, Edge, Firefox.


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Bug Reports
1 year ago, gazzz0x2z